Automatic cashback

EARN 3% cashback¹ OR MORE.

Earn cash automatically at over 10,000 merchants nationwide¹. No sign up required. Just shop and earn.

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Debit-Card App

Two cards. Double the fun.

Earn cashback at select brands using any Varo card—debit or Believe.² So every time you pay, you’re treating yourself.

Cashback has its perks.

  • illust-1
    It’s real cash.

    Not points, like some of those other card rewards.

  • illust-2
    It’s easy cash.

    Earn it on stuff you already buy, like, every day.

  • illust-3
    It’s automatic cash.

    We put the money back in your wallet every time you rack up 5 bucks.


Get 3% cashback³ or more when you select brands nationwide with Varo. That’s a win for you. And your wallet.

Cashback FAQs

Are there cashback debit cards?

What is a cashback debit card?

How does a cashback debit card work?

Can you earn cashback with a secured credit card?


Yep, you just found one. When you use your Varo Bank debit card, you can get cash back for your everyday purchases from brands you already know and love. Even better, you can get cash back with your Varo Believe secured credit card, too.